Los Angeles Brain Injury Lawyers

Traumatic Brain Injury and Claims
Thousands of individuals suffer massive head trauma each year which results in traumatic brain injury. TBI can affect balance, memory, sensation, cognitive ability, changes in personality, mood swings, irritability, sleep and appetite. TBI can cause serious, life-threatening events and may result in permanent irreversible damage to the brain. In severe injuries the impairments are obvious and profound. They may result in weakness, paralysis, or a variety of abnormalities such as loss of coordination, sensation or intellectual capacity. More subtle mental and neurological changes can be overlooked. These can occur as a result of an apparently minor accident during which the brain is jarred. Symptoms of TBI do not necessarily appear immediately, but may become more obvious over time and may affect quality of life including loss of bodily function, inability to interact socially or an inability to work or focus. Long term care may be necessary. Martin Kaufman is an AV (Highest) rated Super Lawyer that has 28 years experience specializing in substantial cases involving traumatic brain injuries. Moreover, our firm has the extensive resources needed to provide the determined legal representation necessary to ensure your claim for compensation includes all future medical care which might be necessary.